The World Wide Web is the most universal means of publication ever devised. Virtually anyone, anywhere can present his point to the entire world- a simply beautiful concept. But this seeming simplicity is often betrayed by the underlying technical aspects of the medium. The results can be sites with poor design, sites only visible in a single browser, sites with poorly designed and constructed graphics, sites with excessive download times. In short, sites that are just plain bad.

Producing a useful, appealing site accessible to the widest audience, in a manner both efficient and respectful of the system, requires both Science and Art. As practicing artists and technologists, we have the background to do this. As artists, we can manage all of the visual aspects of site design. We know when all of the design elements of a site work together and, more importantly, we know when they don't. And as technologists, we know and understand the total Web environment. Together with you, we can produce your site with your budget. Contact us.

The Web Done Right